The List of Baby Shower Gifts Ideas for Mothers
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Girls
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Boys
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Mum
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• Baby Booties
These beautifully crafted to protect the tentative steps of the expecting new arrival and support their growing feet. These are the best pick for 0-24 month set.
• The Convenient Carrier

Wild Thing Bouncer
Baby carriers are a convenient way to carry the child and also strengthen the parent-child bonds. This can be one of the best gifts for the festive gathering making it favorite for the babies as they love snuggling up close to their parents, and also the mums as they can carry out other works as well along with carrying.
• Wild Thing Bouncer
The baby will be found in high spirits with this delightful bouncy seat. It has it all, from blinking lights and busy spinners to sweet music and a couple of amusing jungle friends- a monkey and a toucan. Your baby will snuggle safe and secure with the three-point restraint and comfortable pad for her head and shoulders.
• Sleep Safe, Sleep Tight
A sleep sack is the smart choice for the safest crib, free of any pillow, blanket or stuffed toys.

Tummy Time
• Tummy Time
A play mat with vivid colours, a dangling monkey toy, a soft quilt below and a wind chime creates a heaven for the little ones. It makes the mother happy too because of its ease in using. It can easily be fold up and is also machine washable.
• Gift for Nursing Mothers
A boppy is the ideal solution for every nursing mother who needs all kinds of comfort including a comfortable place for her dearest during breastfeeding. It comes in nearly all waist sizes and style to meet your needs.
• Make the secret wish come true
Every mum-to-be secretly wishes for a babybjourn at her shower party. So, you can make her wish come true by gifting her one. It’s designed to fit the baby, making it comfortable for the mum to wear and comes in a variety of style and colours.
• Perfectly Sized Gift Idea
You can gift the expectant mother a collection of everything that she will require for her early weeks. Starting from footie pyjamas and caps, to sleep gowns and leggings for the new can be a helpful collection for the soon to be parents. The best thing is that you can find these items with coordinating prints that will make buying easy, if it’s not known whether it’s a boy or a girl.
• Modern Diaper Bag
Travelling with infants needs a lot of accessories and items which can be a hassle without good quality diaper bags with lot of spot options to carry different items. So, you can always gift a modern diaper bag and also can stock it with the essentials to make it a unique gift that is highly appreciated.
• Bath Time Accessories

Baby Bath Time Accessories
Bath time accessories are one of the most practical gifts that will be used most often in the future. Therefore, baby bathtub, soap, shampoo, lotion, etc., are the wonderful gifts to gift in a shower celebration. You can also gift baby toys that will keep the little ones entertained in the bath tub.
This auspicious occasion of baby shower celebration is awaited by every woman. So, to make this celebration monumental, you can shower the mum-to-be with some unique and valuable gifts along with the best wishes and blessings.