Happy families are essential building blocks of the society and a family is the place where people learn to build relationships and bond closely. Today in this modern age, the closeness to family members is suffering due to various issues like separation, domestic violence and of course the technological change.

Television and mobile play a great role in our children’s lives and they learn many negative values and false ideas that bring unhappiness to the family. There is no perfect parenting method that can create a perfect family, but there are simple and easy to follow tips that can help you to build a healthier, happy and strong family.
Express love and warmth: Family is the place where kids can learn the basics of affection, love, warmth and sharing. Express your affection towards all the members of the family with actions, words and gestures. The simple three words “I Love You” can make them understand that you care. Don’t miss on the opportunities to encourage any good deeds of a family member, this will boost the affection and bring happiness.
Try to create a peaceful environment: Inner peace is very important for all the members of your home. Do not allow your kids to watch TV for more than an hour. Encourage them to read good books and guide them to implement self discipline. Help them to adopt positive values by reading spiritual books, singing prayers and practicing meditation.
Communicate effectively: Communication plays an important role in a happy family. Talk with your kids and your partner whenever you are together about the events of the day as this will help to take away the tensions and promote attachment. Avoid shouting or arguing unnecessarily. Positive communication is always the language of love.
Work together: Teamwork is very important if you want to have a happy family. Each and every member should have their own household tasks to be completed and create guidelines so that you can work together as a team. Learn new things together and share plans and ideas as this will help you to bond with each other well.
Eat together: This can surely boost achievement in kids and lower the chances of eating disorders, depression rates and loneliness. The more kids eat together with their families, the better they are at school and less likely are they to suffer from depression and get involved in alcohol or drugs.
Make room for fun activities: Take out some time from your busy schedule and encourage your kids to join some extracurricular activities that can release tension and anxiety. Make time for interesting activities to allow family members to spend some time together. Play games, take a walk in the garden, plan for surprise parties or enjoy cooking together.
Treat everyone equally: Consider all your family members equal and don’t be partial to anyone as this will grow into insecurity feeling and reduce the level of confidence. Ask for opinions and then decide on the best while taking a decision, but show mutual respect for all the family members if you want to have a happy family.
Avoid fighting and blaming others: Parents should be cautious not to fight before their children and blame others for a mistake. Negative expressions or words of hatred can make the family life worse and kids who have fighting parents, often become antisocial or rebels in the future life.
Thus to conclude, we can say that even when modern lifestyle threatens our happiness, you can still create a joyful and happy family by following some basic tips in life that will make your kids and everyone flourish and remain happy.