Mother Is the First Teacher You Have In Your Life

Mother Is the First Teacher You Have In Your Life

Ma or Mom is the best title for any woman and this is something that makes a woman complete within her. The unique and special relationship that a mother shares with her child is the bond of love, warmth and care. And this is the bond that the child shares much before he or she puts the first little step into the world.

 “Mother is the First and the best teacher “. This popular proverb very well states that Mom is the only personality who first teaches her baby to call her and also guides the child to develop a total personality. Her guidance helps to create a permanent impression in the mind of the child and so the life of the little baby gets embodied with the teachings of the mother.  Her influence is strong and she is the one who is behind molding our life into great human beings.

So, when we talk about teacher day, the first thing that comes to our mind is who is our real teacher? One who comes to our class to teach us various subjects at the strike of the bell or our dear Mother who has been there with us at every step of our life?  The fact is that both have great impact on our lives, but our Mom always holds the special place as she is the one who is always there to guide us, understand our problems and help us take the right decision in life. She plays the role of a good teacher till her last day.

Since the learning process of every human being starts the moment they enter the real world, and mother is the one who is responsible for introducing new experiences of life, it is justified that your mother is the first one to give shape to your life. Here is how:

Teaches to communicate:

Mother is the first teacher of her newborn as she is the one who teaches her child the basic modes of communication much before he or she starts going to the play school. It is through her loving gestures and unusual words followed by the early alphabets and numbers, which she teaches helps us to express ourselves easily.

Introduces the sense of loyalty:

Mother is the one who is responsible for creating a better society. She teaches her child from the very beginning to maintain relationships, be loyal to the loved ones. She devotes her life to her family and offers her love and affection without failing.

Inspires her child:

She takes every initiative to encourage and inspire her child to face the challenges of life and also at the same time teaches perseverance and passion in life. She is the one who helps to boost self confidence in an individual and makes her child believe that nothing is impossible.

Unbiased assessor:

In our life we do various things without even knowing the consequences. It is our mother who evaluates every activity we do and informs us about what is right and what is wrong and helps us choose the right path.

Thus, our mom is the selfless soul who always inspires us to attain good things in life and overcome all the hardships that we face. She is our first teacher whose teachings have always proved to be precious and valuable to us throughout our life.
