How to Actively Teach Moral Values to Children

Moral values are principles or standards that are considered very important in life. They not only come from within, but also by practicing and are the foundation of human existence. Without the knowledge of values, men cannot differentiate between what is good and bad and what one should abstain from.

Earlier, the traditional Gurukul system of imparting education enhanced the personality of the pupils and ethical values were taught by the gurus. Thus, a strong foundation was laid down. But today things have changed a lot and there is an increase in juvenile crime, abuses, pregnancy rates in young girls and all these are the results of degradation of moral values. It is time to think and parents should take every step to impart good values in children, their valuable assets. In this piece of writing, we will discuss some essential tips that will help parents to teach many invaluable traits to the young group.

Respect others: Parents, teachers and elders should always teach kids to respect their elders, their friends and even their younger ones. They can earn respect only by showing respect to others and if parents neglect this important value, then the child is bound to suffer in every aspect of life. Imparting ethical values and lesson is vital for a child’s grooming and parents should take out enough time from their busy schedules to teach them such lessons.

Practice what you preachPractice what you preach: This is an important and effective means to inculcate good moral values in children. Kids usually love to imitate their elders and if you behave gently and show a caring nature, your kids will also follow the same. Involve them in religious activities to generate faith in God. Share your beliefs with them and maintain a disciplined life and your children will automatically follow your footsteps.

Share personal experiences: Talk to your child about your own childhood experiences so that they can remain connected. Listen to them and answer their queries in a calm and clear way. Tell your child about those people you admire and why. This will inculcate good qualities in them. A child who feels comfortable with his parents will come for their advice when facing any dilemma that he is unable to handle on his own.

Read moral stories and fable: Books have a powerful influence on young kids. Story characters also play an important role in shaping a child’s mindset. Reading excellent ethical stories from books like Panchatantra and Jataka tales can capture your child’s imagination and conscience as well. It will help parents to impart good values and help them to grow up as caring and confident people.

Be a role model: Parents should teach lessons by customizing them according to the kid’s age. Direct lessons like “saying thank you to people when they help” or “stealing is wrong” is good, but it may be difficult for them to understand. Parents should use these lessons in their daily activities so that it becomes easy for children to follow the gestures and deeds. Encourage them always for a good deed and explain them clearly about the negative impacts of bad manners or behavior. This will help them to develop an awareness of appropriate behavior and the importance of behaving in an ethical manner.

Thus, we can conclude saying that parents should take the initiative to impart moral values in their children from the very early age and this will help them to have a good foundation and grow up to productive citizens of society.


Children are invaluable treasures of the society. So it is the responsibility of every parent to inculcate moral values in them so that they grow up to be a faithful, lovable and good human being.

