Ways to Relieve your Baby’s Distress and Pacify your Crying Infant

Infants can be irritable and cranky for a number of reasons that have them bawling for numerous hours a day. This can be very upsetting to the parents and bring quite a few complaints from the next door neighbors. Although, even parents who have read a lot of baby books are sometimes at a loss when they try to understand the reason behind their newborn’s tears.


Read on to discover ways to soothe your infant’s discomfort and gauge the cause for their duress.

  1. Relieve Pain Due to Colic

If your baby happens to have an upset stomach or pain stemming from colic, there may be a lot of bawling. Incessant crying for over 3 hours per day for 3 consecutive days can mean colic. A visit to the doctor is due and the professional will help your child feel better with colic medication.

  1. Ease Stomach Gas

In case your infant hasn’t been burped properly, he or she may have trouble right after meal time. Little ones tend to gulp down mouthfuls of air at a time when they eat; be it breastfeeding or consuming milk from a bottle. Burping helps relieve this and it staying in their tummies can cause unease. Children on semisolid diets can also suffer from gas and express their unease by bawling. You can attempt to relieve gas by trying to burp your little one.

Gently place the child on the bed and lift both feet so you can rotate the legs in a circular manner. The symptom of stomach ache may present itself as well, which can be alleviated by readily available gas medication. Alternatively, you can use gripe water; however, it is best to consult the pediatrician before self medicating.

  1. Manage Routine Discomforts

Day to day happenings may also cause an outburst, for instance, your toddler is troubled by a hair pin tied on too tight. Babies grow fast, so tight clothes may also be uncomfortable, as can snug waistlines or small shoes. It is important that you pick out soft fabric for their clothes too, for apparel that irritates the skin may bring tears.

  1. Deal with a Dairy Allergy or Lactose Intolerance

Some babies have a dairy allergy that you discover when you wean the baby from breastfeeding. Lots of gas and non-stop crying after feeding may mean your child is lactose intolerant. You will have to avoid dairy products and look for other means of sustenance for your toddler. You can get your doctor’s medical opinion about the same as well.

Loud sound

  1. Regulate Sufficient Slumber

Newborns need lots of sleep and a disruption in their slumber can leave them cranky for hours. Setting a proper sleep routine for your infant with at least nine hours of bedtime is essential. You can then schedule timely naps at intervals during the day right after play time and during the afternoons.

  1. Feeling too Warm or Perhaps Cold

Many newborns like to stay warm all the time, just like they were in their mother’s womb. When they are undressed for a bathe or given a wipe down with a damp cloth, they may complain with tears. Even so, excessive clothing with many warm layers may make them fussy as well.

As you spend more and more time with your young one, you will start to recognize all the little signals your child sends that pertain to discomforts, helping you alleviate them.
