Tales of Tenali Raman

We all loved listening to the fun and adventurous tales of Tenali Raman during our childhood! Don’t we? So, why don’t we share them with our kids?

Well, Mother’s Zone helps you do it by bringing a suite of interesting Tenali Raman stories for kids through its portal. Our team has made it sure that your kids should be able to fully enjoy these stories, and so, we have got them written in an easy to understand language for the little masters of today!

Just share them with your children and let them have a fun time reading the various Tenali Raman stories which are full of wisdom and wittiness.


Royal Mother’s Last WishLast Wish

Relying on others is one thing, but trusting them blindly is another. Blind faith on others does not always tend to be positive. Understand how Tenali Raman finds a priest’s hidden motives to fetch money from the King. The lesson that he teaches to the priest was quite remarkable! Let’s find out what it was!

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The Horse TraderHorse Trader

There is no denying the fact that trusting others is a noble trait. But trusting a complete stranger, even in the matters related to money is not a wise man’s quality. Learn how Tenali Raman makes the King understand that relying on total strangers is not always a great decision to be made.

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Tenali Raman and the Great PunditTenali Raman

Knowledge and wisdom can not just be learned from books. As a matter of fact, there are various experiences that lead to making a man wise and intelligent. Read this famous story and you will understand how easily Tenali Raman tricks a learned pundit using his spontaneity, quick wittedness and intellect.

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The Red Peacockred peacock

Greediness has never brought any long term good for anyone. In the long run, the true picture about one’s real self gets revealed for sure. Find out how Tenali Raman exposes one of the greedy ministers of the Royal Court and teaches a great lesson to the King and others.

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